Top 3 video of Guinnesss world record

The Guinness World Records books are back! The 2019 annual is crammed with everything from sporting achievements and scientific discoveries to the latest chart toppers and digital TV releases. Our special “Meet the Makers” and “Making History” chapters celebrate build-at-home creativity on an epic scale, and anyone keen to break a record of their own can turn to the “Do Try This At Home” bonus section. We also bring you the 12th Gamer’s Edition, which is bursting with amazing records, remarkable feats and marvellous achievements, with the world’s biggest games- from Super Mario Odyssey to Fortnite. Finally, Guinness World Records: Wild Things reveals the best of the beasts! From gentle giants to killer bugs, powerful predators to cunning prey, and backyard wildlife to species on the brink, Wild Things is your ultimate guide to nature’s super-star animals
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Top 3 video of Guinnesss world record Top 3 video of Guinnesss world record Reviewed by Unknown on 9:35 AM Rating: 5

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