Educational news updates on 21st August 

Educational news updates on 21st August 2018 read latest Gujarat various popular news

A uniform structure of school education, the 10+2 system has been adopted by all the States and Union Territories of India. However, within the States and the UTs, there remains variations in the number of classes constituting the Primary, Upper Primary, High and Higher Secondary school stages, age for admission to class I, medium of instruction, public examinations, teaching of Hindi and English, number of working days in a year, academic session, vacation periods, fee structure, compulsory education etc. The education system, in Gujarat, with respect to schooling is divided into four distinct stages viz. Primary (Class I to IV), Upper Primary (Class V to VII), Secondary (Class VIII to X) and Higher Secondary (Class XI and XII). Higher and technical education is provided through universities and colleges in the general higher education category (arts, science and commerce) and technical education category (engineering, pharmacy, agricultural sciences etc.).

Educational news updates on 21st August  Educational news updates on 21st August  Reviewed by Unknown on 2:24 AM Rating: 5

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