Morbi jilla aras - paras 2018

Morbi jilla aras - paras 2018

 James Bond  10 mins ago  education

Aras paras badli camp - morbi jillo

A high-level committee of the state education department, including education secretary Sunaina Tomar had brainstormed over the issue of quality of education and poor results after which the decision to introduce ‘Shikshak Sajjata Kasoti’ (Teacher Preparedness Test) was taken. The test might be conducted in August-September 2018. Education department officials claimed that Gujarat is first state in the country to introduce the test to assess a teacher’s social skills, understanding of the subject that he/she teaches and pedagogy.


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Morbi jilla aras - paras 2018 Morbi jilla aras - paras 2018 Reviewed by Unknown on 2:13 AM Rating: 5

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